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Education plays a key role in preventing and eliminating such horrendous incidents in the society. The underlying causes of such an evil act is the lack of knowledge, the wrong perceptions about women, and the fanatic and prejudice views of women as fully submissive beings with no inherent rights. As such, a trivial opposition, request or resistance by woman puts them in danger of such a tremendous lifelong disability. This vicious cycle will not stop unless we raise awareness and enhance society’s knowledge of such a crucial, yet underexposed, issue. Therefore, education is one of Niku’s primary missions, if not the most important one!

We plan to execute this mission by educating society on this issue through our fundraising campaigns and partnerships with interested individuals and organizations. We would like to mobilize people and organizations to take action against such appalling hate crimes.

We welcome any opportunity to help us achieve this mission. If you have ideas and suggestions, please take a moment and write to us. If you would like to partner with us in raising awareness and educating society about this critical issue, please do not hesitate to contact us. We would love to hear from you.